
来自Raccon Wiki
XNOR讨论 | 贡献2024年12月23日 (一) 21:44的版本
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stats = {}

rarities = { 'Common', 'Unusual', 'Rare', 'Epic', 'Legendary', 'Mythic', 'Ultimate', 'Supreme', 'Aracont' } for i, v in ipairs(rarities) do rarities[v] = i end

cards = setmetatable({}, { __call = function (cards, args)

args = mw.text.split(args, ' ')

name, initialrarity, shop, description = args[1],

rarities[args[2]] and args[2] or rarities[1],

rarities[args[2]] and tonumber(args[3]) or tonumber(args[2]),

tonumber(args[3]) and table.concat(args, ' ', 4) or tonumber(args[2]) or rarities[args[2]] and table.concat(args, ' ', 3) or table.concat(args, ' ', 2)

table.insert(cards, {name, initialrarity, shop, description })

(function (name, ...)

card = {}

a = Card.attributes

for i = 1, math.ceil(#{...} / (#rarity + 1)) do

a[#a + 1] = {}

b = ({...})[(i - 1) * (#rarity + 1) + 1]

a[b] = a[#a]

for j = 1, #rarity do

a[#a][j] = ({...})[(i - 1) * (#rarity + 1) + j + 1]



card[#card + 1], card[name] = Card, Card
end)(unpack(mw.text.split(s, ' '))) ]]



--format: card'<name> <Initial rarity> <Description> <Attribute> <Common card's stat> <Unusual's / Common's> Etc.'

cards'Exp Common 1.5 随处可见的经验球,可以为你生产经验 经验生产速度 0.00005 2 3 4 6 nil 16 nil nil'
cards'Coin Common 1.5 一枚神奇的金币,可以为你生产硬币 硬币生产速度 0.00005 2 3 4 6 nil 16 nil nil'

stats.cards = cards
mob = {}

shop = { Exp = 1.5, Coin = 1.5 }

return stats